Many of our employees are moped enthusiasts with experience in sales, service and repair. In total, we have several hundred years of moped experience among us. Thanks to this, there is almost always someone with the right expertise when we develop new products.
Quality that comes from knowledge
Behind our wide range of quality products are dedicated, experienced enthusiasts.
NTS Premium Parts
When it comes to our finest and most complex products, we pay extra attention to quality. That’s why these products – NTS Premium Parts – are manufactured by our own employees at our Marmaverken plant.

Quality-assured product development
Each new part and product is thoroughly examined and checked in several steps and finally assembled and tested on the relevant model of moped
Availability and delivery reliability
Our ambition is to always deliver your order the day after we receive it.
At our large warehouse in Marmaverken, we almost always have our entire range in stock. Along with efficient logistics, this allows us to keep delivery times short, regardless of what you order.
A few days is all it takes
With DBSchenker as our logistics partner, we can offer delivery times of just a few days to most of Northern Europe.

A supplier you can trust
At NTS, we are constantly striving to be a safe and reliable supplier, in all respects. This means providing a relevant range of quality products, ensuring high availability, good service and fast deliveries.
The history of NTS
A brief historical summary is provided below of some of the exciting and, in some respects, pivotal events that made NTS what it is today.
Lars Norgren the elder sows the seeds of Norscand and NTS Parts when he sets up a bike workshop in Marmaskogen.

The business moves to newly built premises in Kinstaby. There is a fully equipped workshop there, as well as a shop for the sale of mopeds, bicycles and sports goods. The company is now called Norgrens Cykel & Sport. Mopeds, particularly the Puch, Crescent, Fram and Kreidler brands, have come to represent a large proportion of sales.

The next generation of Norgrens takes over, and the company changes its name to Cykel- & Motorservice. Lars "Lasse" Norgren and Åke Möller stop selling motorcycles and sports goods to focus entirely on mopeds, bicycles and gardening. Puch and Yamaha are the brands on offer for new mopeds. The workshop continues to offer repair and servicing of all brands of mopeds.

The company moves into newly built premises in Söderala, a few kilometres east of Kinstaby.

Patrik Norgren, the third generation of Norgrens, starts Norscand Handel & Service Import. It is a business focused entirely on older mopeds and includes both the sale of parts (mainly at vintage markets) and repairs. The company is housed in the garage of his parents' home in Kinstaby, and his father – Lasse Norgren – is also involved.

Patrik goes on the first of many trips to Taiwan to establish contacts for manufacturing and importing moped parts.

The company's first catalogue is completed and distributed.

Norscand Handel & Service Import is growing and needs far more space, hence the move to larger premises in Berga, Söderala.

The business continues to grow and moves to 650 m2 of newly purchased premises in the industrial area of Marmaverken.

The old school in Marmaverken is bought for conversion into a buffer storage facility.

An online store for end customers is opened at, and a new 225-page colour catalogue is launched.

Norscand Handel & Service Import takes part in the “On 2 Wheels” event at Stockholmsmässan exhibition centre in January with its own stand.

For some time, the company has been working on plans for international expansion. The starting point for the export plans will be participation in the Cologne Motor Show.

Norscand is named Company of the Year in the town of Söderhamn by the business organisation Företagarna.
Norscand turns 20. The last paper catalogue, popularly known as the Moped Bible, is launched and has now grown to a massive 460 pages.

Our online store closed on 14 March.
From now on, we will sell and market our unique NTS products in close cooperation with our selected dealers.